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Mari masuk gerbangNya (For The Lord He is Good)

admin's picture

Mari masuk gerbangNya
Dengan hati bersyukur
HalamanNya dengan pujian
Penuhi baitNya
Dengan nyanyian syukur
HadiratNya pnuh sukacita

Sbab Tuhan, Dia baik
Dan anugrahNya kekal
Selama-lamanya…amin (2x).

Let us come to His gates
With thanksgiving in our hearts
And His court with a shout of praise
Fill this temple with joy
Giving praise unto His name
In His presence there's fullnes of joy

For the Lord He is good
And His mercy endureth
Forever and ever, Amen (2x)

Submitted by admin on 1 January, 1970 - 07:00
