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  • user warning: Got error 28 from storage engine query: SELECT t.* FROM term_node r INNER JOIN term_data t ON r.tid = t.tid INNER JOIN vocabulary v ON t.vid = v.vid WHERE r.vid = 327 ORDER BY v.weight, t.weight, t.name in /home/sabdaorg/public_sabda/gema/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module on line 632.
  • user warning: Got error 28 from storage engine query: SELECT DISTINCT b.* FROM blocks b LEFT JOIN blocks_roles r ON b.module = r.module AND b.delta = r.delta WHERE b.theme = 'sky' AND b.status = 1 AND (r.rid IN (1) OR r.rid IS NULL) ORDER BY b.region, b.weight, b.module in /home/sabdaorg/public_sabda/gema/modules/block/block.module on line 456.

For The Lord He Is Good

admin's picture
For The Lord He Is Good

Let us come to His Gates
With thanksgiving in our hearts
And His court with a shout of praise
Fill His temple with joy
Giving praise unto His name
In His presence there's fullness of joy

For the Lord, He is Good
And His mercies endureth
Forever and ever, Amen
For the Lord, He is Good
And His mercies endureth
Forever and ever, Amen
Submitted by admin on 1 January, 1970 - 07:00