Kristus yang menjadi dasar dan Kepala GrejaNya,
Yang Terpilih dan mulia, menyatukan umat-Nya.
Gunung batu kaum beriman dan tempat naungannya.
Kami datang hari ini dalam bakti dan sembah,
dan hampiri kami dalam kasih-Mu baka,
Doa, kami, o dengarlah, berkat-Mu curahkanlah.
Mari puji Allah Bapa, mari puji Putra-Nya,
mari puji Roh Penghibur, ketiganya Yang Esa.
Satu dalam kemuliaan, kini dan selamanya.
Versi Inggris
Christ is Made the Sure Foundation
Christ is made the sure Foundation,
And the precious Cornerstone;
Who, the two walls underlying,
Bound in each, binds both in one;
Holy Zion's Help forever,
And her Confidence alone.
All that dedicated city,
Dearly loved of God on high,
In exultant jubilation,
Pours perpetual melody,
God the One, and God the Trinal,
Singing everlastingly.
To this temple, where we call Thee,
Come, O Lord of Hosts, today!
With Thy wonted lovingkindness
Hear Thy people as they pray.
And Thy fullest benediction
Shed within its walls for ay.
Here vouchsafe to all Thy servants
What they supplicate to gain;
Here to have and hold forever forever
Those good things their prayers obtain,
And hereafter in Thy glory
With Thy blessèd ones to reign.
Laud and honor to the Father,
Laud and honor to the Son,
Laud and honor to the Spirit,
Ever Three and ever One;
Consubstantial, co-eternal,
While unending ages run.
Catatan, pada lagu diNBK memakai versi yang dibuat Dale Wood.
Di Nyanyian Lagu2 Rokhani yang lama dapat dijumpai pada no.3
Sumber :
Terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia, dapat dijumpai di NKB 112.
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